Hillary Clinton & The Wonderful Things She Does.

Selected Hillary Clinton accomplishments to promote the positive change she is campaigning on.

The Next President of The United States Hillary Clinton, in any effort to do the most good she can for the most people she can has:

  • Worked on behalf of children with disabilities, went undercover to expose systemic racism in Alabama’s education system as a young lawyer at the Children’s Defense Fund.
  • Fought to end the incarceration of minors in adult prisons within South Carolina as a young lawyer at the Children’s Defense Fund.
  • Became the first woman partner at the Rose Law Firm in Little Rock, Arkansas.
  • Co-Founded the Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families.
  • As first lady, she traveled to Beijing as first lady of the United States to make the groundbreaking declaration that “Women’s rights are Human Rights.”
  • She took on special interests including Big Pharma to help create the Children’s Health Insurance Program, which covers 8 million kids today.
  • Worked to expand community service and equal access since her first year as First lady
  • Fought to make sure 9/11 first and second respondents got the health care they needed when she was senator from New York.
  • Secured $20 billion to help rebuild NYC after 9/11 attacks.
  • Worked across the aisle to expand access to health care for members of the National Guard and reservists.
  • Helped expand the Family Medical Leave Act, allowing families of those wounded in combat to care for their loved ones.
  • Was a driving force behind raising the minimum wage in New York and nationally, co-sponsoring or introducing bills to do it eight different times as Senator.
  • Fought to expand Head Start programs as Senator.
  • Worked to expand access to student loans and Pell Grants, so more students could go to college, regardless of their background or circumstances.
  • Worked hard and championed the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act, making AmeriCorps a permanent government structure and ensuring more Americans can do the most good they can for all they can.
  • Co-Sponsored 74 bills in the Senate.
  • She was 1 of 54 co-sponsors for the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.
  • Worked in the Senate to protect families from environmental health hazards that disproportionately affect low-income communities of color.
  • Worked against systemic racism contributed to by disproportion in access.
  • As Senator, Hillary was instrumental in the development of the Eagle Academy in Harlem.
  • The first woman in history to win a state presidential contest. Hillary went on to receive 18 million votes in the 2008 presidential election.
  • As Secretary of State, our nation’s chief diplomat she worked to restore our reputation around the globe, visiting 112 countries, more than any previous Secretary of State.
  • She helped broker a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas.
  • Built a global coalition to negotiate the toughest sanctions ever enacted against Iran, laying the groundwork for the Iran nuclear deal.
  • As Secretary of State, she helped the U.S. extend antiretroviral therapy—which helps HIV/AIDS patients’ live longer, healthier lives—to 78 countries.
  • Fought for the rights of women around the world, including leading the fight for a U.N. Security Council resolution to combat sexual violence against women and children.
  • Lobbied for the first-ever U.N. Human Rights Council resolution on human rights and declared “Gay Rights are Human Rights.” Expanding on the mission of equality her career has been based upon.
  • Expanded benefits for LGBT employees at the State Department, including partner benefits, health care, and more.
  • Made LGBT Rights a fundamental piece of the State Departments Human Rights Initiatives.

Author: B. McFarland

A grassroots organizer supporting Hillary Clinton & Capable Democrats running across the country for 2016!

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