Hillary Clinton, LGBTQ Equality

“Clinton made the promotion of equality for gay people a core value of U.S. foreign policy. Clinton moved the issue of equality for members of the LGBT community to the front of America’s diplomatic agenda; in the process, she gave a boost to human rights for all and a considerable nudge to the inexorable progress of freedom.”- Frida Ghitis, Hillary Clinton’s Global Legacy on Gay Rights, CNN, February 7, 2013

In my life, I have experienced shame and embarrassment for my sexual orientation. In my 15 years as an open and proud homosexual American male, I am inspired through Hillary’s evolution and understanding on equality. When the time came to stand up for LGBTQ people, Hillary Clinton took to the path like Lady Godiva. Championing equality across the world for LGBTQ people and promoting a fundamental human rights necessity for LGBTQ Americans. Hillary Clinton has supported LGBTQ Equality and will continue to advance equality when elected President!

Hillary Clinton understands that Gay Rights are Human Rights and Human Rights are Gay Rights. When I came out in 2003 my parents did not understand and support my sexuality. Twelve years later they have learned and understand now how important my equality and self acceptance are. Hillary Clinton is a woman of the same generation and twenty years ago this was a different world. Through the countless years, evolution and choices Hillary Clinton has furthered the change we see in the world NOT prevented it.


Hillary Clinton, Energy Plan

Hillary Clinton’s Renewable Energy Policy is lead by her pledge to intiate the path toward generating enough renewable energy to power every home in the country by 2027. Planning to increase Solar Energy output by 700% in ten years and refocus our energy grid on renewable sustainable energy sources.

One of the many reasons, I’m with her:

Renewable Energy

“I am just a grandmother with two eyes and a brain and I know what is happening in the world is going to have a big effect on my daughter and especially my granddaughters, You don’t have to be a scientist to take on this urgent challenge that threatens us all. You just have to be willing to act.”- Hillary Clinton, Cnn 2015

    Hillary Clinton’s Renewable Energy Policy is lead by her pledge to intiate the path toward generating enough renewable energy to power every home in the country by 2027.  Planning to increase Solar Energy output by 700% in ten years and refocus our energy grid on renewable sustainable energy sources. Rooted in scientific facts, understanding, and a deep necessity to secure a prolific future for energy & climate management in America.

I do not support fracking. As evidenced by the great state of New York, the choice for fracking is a state issue. Our electrical grid and production is very inefficient  and utilizes coal and natural gas too much already. The plan Hillary Clinton is offering will provide efficient cleaner BTUs of energy. We can not abandon our current infrastructure and we need to invest in effective clean energy. I again do not support fracking, but this does not make me support this capable candidate less because Hillary understands our infrastructure and current production. She is working to provide real solutions and plans for change not rhetoric.

Tom Steyer, Head of NextGen Climate, a non-profit focused on climate change, stated Secretary Clinton’s Plan was “an ambitious framework to put our nation on a path to a clean energy economy,” adding that Clinton “emerged as a strong leader in solving the climate crisis and ensuring our country’s economic security.” (Cnn, 2015)


Hillary Clinton, substance use & treatment plan

Hillary Clinton understands the decreased productivity, overload on health care and criminal justice systems as economic and welfare impacts. The loss of human life prevails as the most important outcome of this problem and Secretary Clinton’s plan focuses to change this most of all. Prevention, Treatment, Recovery, Access, & Reform

One of the many reasons, I’m with her:

Substance Use & Treatment

“There are 23 million Americans suffering from addiction. But, no one is untouched. We all have family and friends who are affected. We can’t afford to stay on the sidelines any longer — because when families are strong, America is strong.” Hillary Clinton, Union Leader, 2015.

Hillary Clinton wants to solve American’s problems with real solutions addressing each facet of a complex unhinged system, not exciting rhetoric; Hillary Clinton has brilliant ideas, which have root in actual evidence and fact.

Secretary Clinton examples her ability to be an effective executive comprehensively in her Plan for Substance use & treatment.  Focused and structured to provide a path to success as with her other plans of reform and progressive change.  Hillary Clinton understands the decreased productivity, overload on health care and criminal justice systems as economic and welfare impacts. The loss of human life prevails as the most important outcome of this problem and Secretary Clinton’s plan focuses to change this most of all. Prevention, Treatment, Recovery, Access, & Reform are each comprehensively analyzed and restructured to provide actual support for individual Americans battling addiction that prioritizes effective treatment.

Check out more in this Opinion piece written by Secretary Clinton:

Hillary Clinton, How we can win the fight against substance abuse, The Union Leader, September 1 2015,


Hillary Clinton, Education Plan

Hillary Clinton understands that education for all American’s is a system in desperate need of change. Her career has been essential in providing further equal education access, opportunities, and programs to more Americans every year.

One of the many reasons, I’m With Her:


Hillary Clinton understands that education for all American’s is a system in desperate need of change.  Her career has been essential in providing further equal education access, opportunities, and programs to more Americans every year.

For Early Chilldhood Education this means a guaranteed investment in programs like Early Head Start, ensuring within ten years that all 4-year-old Americans may receive a solid foundation to achieve success from high quality preschools. Hilary Clinton understands the need for early investment and the benefit of setting up our next generation for success. “Investing in early childhood development is one of the best returns on investment that a country can make to accelerate long-term economic growth and productivity.” – Hillary Clinton, Brookings Institution, 2013.

Secretary Clinton understands the realities facing Americans and wants the system and policies she has to be a reality. Showing concern and expressing the actual understanding, Clinton will work to “Extend every program, every tax break, everything we do to people who are taking care of kids.”- Hillary Clinton,Bloomberg 2015.

Moving forward in a progressive plan to provide quality education efficiently to all Americans, Clinton wants to invest in quality educators and strengthen support for students. Improving the quality and methods of Education based upon facts, evidence, and proven success methods.

College reform is an intricate piece of Secretary Clinton’s Candidacy. Her College Compact, outlines a multilateral reform to education accessibility, funding, and outcome. Providing a complete path and structure to succeed in the quickly globalizing world focused on development of our youth. Clinton demonstrates the need for education in our society and the undue burdened currently impacting families and students hungry for solutions.

“No family and no student should have to borrow to pay tuition at a public college or university, and everyone who has student debt should be able to finance it at lower rates.” Hillary Clinton, Politico, 2015


Hillary Clinton, Criminal Justice Reform

One of the many reasons, I’m with her: Criminal Justice Reform

“it’s not just families trying to stay afloat with one parent behind bars. Of the 600,000 prisoners who re-enter society each year, roughly 60 percent face long-term unemployment.”- Hillary Clinton, April 29th, 2015, Columbia University

Hillary Clinton understands that well thought out comprehensive solutions are the only way forward for our country. Tying her to policies of government twenty years ago is tying a 30 something to their high school ideals. We as humans should be growing everyday, in every way. Slate.com even regards Clinton as putting Criminal Justice Reform on the democratic agenda.

Hillary Clinton believes in our American system and understand the intricacies of our criminal justice system. Her proposed plan supports a serious look at disparities in the system and inequalities created. Hillary Clinton is working against the injustices of a system focused on retribution. Her criminal justice plans goes further to understand re-education and re-entry on deeper levels than our government has before. Hillary has a sincere political commitment to changing the lives of Americans currently disenfranchised by a system intended to protect and serve.

Hillary’s Reform plan continues to address the real problems with real solutions. Focusing on a restructure and reinvestment in policing and punishment. Focusing on laws and charges currently creating a massive backlog in our system and afflicting communities in America. Correcting police abuse, establishing safer practices, minimizing ineffective procedures and policies. Hillary Clinton focused on finding real solutions to America’s real problems.


Hillary Clinton & The Wonderful Things She Does.

Selected Hillary Clinton accomplishments to promote the positive change she is campaigning on.

The Next President of The United States Hillary Clinton, in any effort to do the most good she can for the most people she can has:

  • Worked on behalf of children with disabilities, went undercover to expose systemic racism in Alabama’s education system as a young lawyer at the Children’s Defense Fund.
  • Fought to end the incarceration of minors in adult prisons within South Carolina as a young lawyer at the Children’s Defense Fund.
  • Became the first woman partner at the Rose Law Firm in Little Rock, Arkansas.
  • Co-Founded the Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families.
  • As first lady, she traveled to Beijing as first lady of the United States to make the groundbreaking declaration that “Women’s rights are Human Rights.”
  • She took on special interests including Big Pharma to help create the Children’s Health Insurance Program, which covers 8 million kids today.
  • Worked to expand community service and equal access since her first year as First lady
  • Fought to make sure 9/11 first and second respondents got the health care they needed when she was senator from New York.
  • Secured $20 billion to help rebuild NYC after 9/11 attacks.
  • Worked across the aisle to expand access to health care for members of the National Guard and reservists.
  • Helped expand the Family Medical Leave Act, allowing families of those wounded in combat to care for their loved ones.
  • Was a driving force behind raising the minimum wage in New York and nationally, co-sponsoring or introducing bills to do it eight different times as Senator.
  • Fought to expand Head Start programs as Senator.
  • Worked to expand access to student loans and Pell Grants, so more students could go to college, regardless of their background or circumstances.
  • Worked hard and championed the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act, making AmeriCorps a permanent government structure and ensuring more Americans can do the most good they can for all they can.
  • Co-Sponsored 74 bills in the Senate.
  • She was 1 of 54 co-sponsors for the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.
  • Worked in the Senate to protect families from environmental health hazards that disproportionately affect low-income communities of color.
  • Worked against systemic racism contributed to by disproportion in access.
  • As Senator, Hillary was instrumental in the development of the Eagle Academy in Harlem.
  • The first woman in history to win a state presidential contest. Hillary went on to receive 18 million votes in the 2008 presidential election.
  • As Secretary of State, our nation’s chief diplomat she worked to restore our reputation around the globe, visiting 112 countries, more than any previous Secretary of State.
  • She helped broker a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas.
  • Built a global coalition to negotiate the toughest sanctions ever enacted against Iran, laying the groundwork for the Iran nuclear deal.
  • As Secretary of State, she helped the U.S. extend antiretroviral therapy—which helps HIV/AIDS patients’ live longer, healthier lives—to 78 countries.
  • Fought for the rights of women around the world, including leading the fight for a U.N. Security Council resolution to combat sexual violence against women and children.
  • Lobbied for the first-ever U.N. Human Rights Council resolution on human rights and declared “Gay Rights are Human Rights.” Expanding on the mission of equality her career has been based upon.
  • Expanded benefits for LGBT employees at the State Department, including partner benefits, health care, and more.
  • Made LGBT Rights a fundamental piece of the State Departments Human Rights Initiatives.

Democratic America

Democratic America seeks to endorse candidates in support of advancing America in a secure, inclusive, equal and prosperous future.

I formed Democratic America to help capable candidates across America. Democratic America seeks to endorse candidates in support of advancing America in a secure, inclusive, equal and prosperous future. There is a very important race this year and while change really happens in the legislature, our executive branch needs a strong leader who has comprehensive solutions for America.

This is why I support Hillary Clinton for President.

Growing up America, I witnessed the evolution of Hillary Clinton from Political Surrogate, to First Lady, to Senator, to Secretary of State, to Exceptional Democratic Party Presidential Candidate (TWICE!). Secretary Clinton has inspired me and motivated me to do the most good I can for the most people I can. I fervently support her candidacy for President of the United States because of her ideology, intelligence, capability, experience, and understanding. Most of all, I support Hillary Clinton because I believe she will do the most good for the most Americans she possibly can as President.

Hillary Clinton wants to solve American’s problems with real solutions addressing each facet of a complex unhinged system, not exciting rhetoric; Hillary Clinton has brilliant ideas, which have root in actual evidence and fact. The policies and plans she has set forth show a well-rounded and developed intention of a focused direction to move our society forward. Hillary Clinton will improve America in efficiency, aggregation of the people’s interests, and secure a bright and prosperous future for generations to come. Join me in supporting former First Lady of the United States, Senator of New York, & Secretary of State, Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton in securing the democratic party nomination for President and guarantee that future for you and the rest of America!

Thank you,

B. McFarland